The baby's ears are inflamed. How should parents take care of the baby with earache?

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  • Source:Tiny Hearing Aids
Many mothers like to pick out their babies' earwax, and some even make it a habit. Although mothers are careful when picking their ears, it is not recommended to do it frequently. Because the baby's ears are very delicate when they are young, even more fragile than other parts of the body, and when picking out the ears, most people choose to use cotton swabs or ear picks. In addition, it is sometimes difficult for adults to use the strength to remove the ears. Be careful, as you may injure your baby's ears if you're not careful.

The baby’s ears are inflamed. How should parents care for babies with earache? How to relieve your child's symptoms? You can clean the ears with warm water, then use a cotton swab dipped in water to gently squeeze the ears. Elevating your child's head while he or she sleeps can relieve some of the pain. However, be aware that pillows that are too high or too soft can easily cause suffocation in young children, so it is best to place something under the pillow rather than using a large pillow.

Observation and treatment
1. Earache is a common symptom of babies under 2 years old. First check whether there is any foreign body in the baby’s ear.
2. When the baby is crying, do not coax him to stop crying first. Instead, measure the baby's temperature first to see if the baby has a fever.
3. Stand behind the baby and call his name softly, or make clapping movements, and observe whether the baby reacts to check whether the baby's hearing is affected.

Take careful care
1. If there is secretion flowing out of the baby's ear canal, the mother should not pick out the baby's ears at will, nor drop drops into the ear canal casually.
2. You can apply a hot towel on the baby's ears to see if it can relieve earache symptoms and reduce crying.

Ask a doctor
1. If the baby has purulent secretions flowing out of the ear canal, or has earache and fever above 38°C, or has hearing loss. , you should take your baby to the otolaryngology department of the hospital immediately for treatment as soon as possible.
2. If serious symptoms are not treated in time, it can easily lead to otitis media, and in severe cases, hearing loss.
Once children develop fever, earache and other symptoms, they should go to the hospital promptly. If the physical examination shows congestion and bulging of the tympanic membrane, or even purulent secretions in the ear canal, acute suppurative otitis media can be considered.

Once acute suppurative otitis media is diagnosed, it should be treated promptly to prevent it from becoming chronic or causing serious complications such as purulent meningitis. Because this disease is a purulent bacterial infection, clinical treatment should first give effective antibiotics in a timely manner. Secondly, attention should be paid to keeping the ears clean, cleaning the pus in the external auditory canal in a timely manner, and using various anti-inflammatory drops to drop ears. Ear cleaning medicine usually uses 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Ear anti-inflammatory drugs generally include gentamicin, chloramphenicol, kanamycin, etc.

Protect your ears well
While treating this disease, you should also pay attention to removing infectious lesions around the ears, such as rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc. If the child suddenly develops high fever and chills during the course of the disease,, convulsions, you should be alert to acute suppurative meningitis. If the disease still does not heal after 3 to 4 weeks, the body temperature does not subside, there is a lot of pus discharge, the mastoid process behind the ear is red, swollen and painful, or even an abscess behind the ear occurs, it is complicated by acute mastoiditis, and the mastoid process can be opened if necessary. technique.

In addition, if the earache is obvious, analgesics can be given to relieve the pain, and parents are advised to strengthen care and ensure that the child rests, drinks more water, and gives soft food, etc.

Children always get otitis media, is there any way to prevent it?
1. Keep children away from smokers, because tobacco will increase the child's chance of infection. It is best for parents not to smoke at home to keep the home environment fresh.
2. Wash your hands frequently and teach your children to wash their hands frequently. Although otitis media is not contagious, the bacteria that cause otitis media can make your child sick. So keep your hands clean to prevent bacteria from entering your ears. And don't let children come into close contact with people who are already sick. Teach children to keep their nasal passages clean and reduce the spread of bacteria.

3. If your child often suffers from otitis media due to colds, he or she can get a flu shot. But consult your doctor before taking the vaccine. It should be noted that repeated otitis media will not only make children feel uncomfortable and affect their healthy life, but may also damage the child's inner ear organs and cause hearing loss. Therefore, if a child always has ear discomfort, parents should pay attention to it.