What are the diseases of conductive hearing loss?

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  • Source:Tiny Hearing Aids
Conductive deafness is also called acoustic deafness. The path for external sound waves to enter the inner ear is obstructed due to pathological factors in the ear sound transmission system. The sound transmission system of the ear includes the external auditory canal, tympanic membrane, ossicles, cochlear window, etc. Therefore, damage to the above parts for any reason can lead to deafness.

What are the common diseases of conductive hearing loss?
Conduction deafness exists in the outer ear and middle ear. The vibration of sound before reaching the inner ear is blocked. The inner ear functions normally but cannot generate nerve impulses due to weak stimulation, resulting in hearing loss. Common clinical causes are:

1. Common diseases of conductive deafness that cause tympanic membrane perforation:
(1) Otitis media is the most common cause of conductive deafness. , most of them will lead to tympanic membrane perforation;
(2) External ear diseases such as external auditory canal cholesteatoma, external auditory canal tumors, etc., those with longer course and severe lesions will lead to tympanic membrane perforation,

(3) Trauma It can cause a perforation of the eardrum, which, if not healed, can cause hearing loss.

2. Common diseases causing conductive deafness with intact tympanic membrane:
(1) Otosclerosis: caused by the sclerosis of the annular ligament of the stapes that fixes the stapes , the common hardening site is the anterior window cleft, which is progressive deafness (gradual decline), mostly in young women (related to pregnancy and childbirth), with bilateral disease, usually accompanied by tinnitus;
(2) Congenital middle ear Deformity: The ossicular chain is not connected or the ossicles are fixed, causing hearing loss! He has had poor hearing since childhood and his hearing has not changed much.
(3) Tympanosclerosis: There is a history of earache or ear discharge. Calcium salt deposition affects the movement of the ossicles or causes hearing loss due to fixation;
(4) Middle ear tympanic tumor: destruction of the ossicles or Affects the activity of the ossicles, leading to conductive deafness, and tumor shadows can be seen on temporal bone CT;
(5) Congenital middle ear cholesteatoma: destroys the ossicles, causing conductive deafness;
(6) Trauma causes ossicles Even dislocation can affect hearing.

Deafness is a common clinical disease at present, and conductive deafness is also a "frequent visitor" among otological diseases. Once we suffer from conductive deafness, it will have a great impact on our lives and work. and study will definitely bring a lot of trouble, whether it is communication with family members or colleagues, it will have a big impact.

Conductive deafness needs to be treated first. If treatment is ineffective, hearing aid intervention should be considered. If you feel that there is any problem with your hearing, you should go to the hospital for examination and treatment in time. Do not delay to prevent the condition from being delayed and causing unnecessary impact on you.