Can I breastfeed if I have otitis media caused by a cold and have a fever?

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  • Source:Tiny Hearing Aids
Our ears are divided into three areas: the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. The definition of otitis media is that bacteria or viruses enter the middle ear cavity and cause inflammation. Children (especially children under 3 years old) are prone to otitis media. In terms of growth and development, the Eustachian tubes of infants and children are relatively horizontal, short and wide, and the immune and excretory functions of the mucociliary membranes are immature. Therefore, it is easy for them to develop when upper respiratory tract infection, sinusitis or allergic rhinitis attacks. Secretions from the nose or throat can be carried to the middle ear and cause infection.

Can I breastfeed if I have otitis media and fever caused by a cold?

Have you taken antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs? If so, you cannot breastfeed your baby. It can only be done after stopping the medicine for a week, because it takes a week for the body's metabolism to metabolize it. If you don’t use this kind of medicine, it doesn’t matter and you can continue breastfeeding. If the fever is too high, it is not recommended to continue breastfeeding. Because high fever can cause various functional disorders of the human body, breast milk will also have a certain impact on the baby at this time.

It is recommended to go to the hospital for examination in time and not to buy medicine by yourself. Ask your doctor to prescribe medicine that you can take while breastfeeding. The disease cannot be delayed because of breastfeeding. If it causes hearing loss, the gain outweighs the loss.

Treatment of Otitis Media
Most otitis media can be treated with antibiotics, and symptoms of ear pain and fever can also be relieved with drugs. If it is more severe otitis media, surgery may be required to deal with the fluid accumulation in the middle ear.
Less than 2 years old: direct antibiotic treatment for 10 days.
Above 2 years old: Painkillers can be given for 1-3 days first, and if symptoms persist, antibiotics can be used for 5-7 days.

Drainage surgery: After patients with severe otitis media have been treated with antibiotics and symptoms, if the doctor finds that the fluid in the middle ear cavity continues to fail to go away, surgery may be considered to drain the eardrum on the affected side. Make a small hole or insert a middle ear ventilation tube to drain the fluid from the middle ear cavity.

Generally, symptoms such as fever and ear pain will be relieved within 24 to 72 hours after correct treatment. With or without antibiotic treatment, your baby may develop fluid in the middle ear that may last from a few weeks to a few months. Therefore, if you are diagnosed with otitis media by a doctor, 8 to 12 weeks after the baby recovers, or if you find that your child has hearing loss, it is recommended to see a doctor to check the ear condition again. Whether there is still middle ear effusion, because middle ear effusion may cause problems with sound conduction in the ears, causing the child's hearing loss.

Follow 5 major principles to avoid recurrence of otitis media
1. Don’t lie completely flat when breastfeeding. Lying down while breastfeeding can easily cause middle ear inflammation in children;
2. Stop using pacifiers. Still using pacifiers when you are too old can easily cause middle ear inflammation in children;
3. Get influenza vaccine and pneumococcal vaccine;
4. Control nose allergies. Otitis media is a common complication of allergic rhinitis;

5. Try not to smoke at home.