Why do I feel tinnitus and earache when the plane lands?

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  • Views:661
  • Source:Tiny Hearing Aids
In daily life, many people experience tinnitus, ear fullness, and ear swelling during takeoff and landing. Sometimes they even experience heartbreaking pain, as if the air outside the ear is stabbing like a sharp needle. Entering the eardrum, accompanied by a sharp scream in the air.

Why do I feel tinnitus and earache when the plane lands?

Many people experience short-term earache and ear stuffiness after flying. Some people also experience tinnitus. What is going on? In fact, it is very simple. The occurrence of these symptoms after flying is often related to the air pressure changes during the ascent and descent of the plane, causing barometric damage to the ears. We call it "ear barotrauma".

Under normal circumstances, when the air pressure within the tympanum is balanced with the external atmospheric pressure, it is beneficial to the vibration of the tympanic membrane and the middle ear ossicular chain, maintaining normal hearing. One of the main functions of the Eustachian tube is to balance the air pressure on both sides of the eardrum. When the aircraft descends too fast or ascends, the Eustachian tube cannot be opened by swallowing or self-inflating, and the pressure difference cannot be adjusted. The middle ear will be in a state of relatively positive or negative pressure, and the middle ear mucosa will produce a A series of pathological changes lead to acute barotrauma otitis media and even inner ear barotrauma.

What symptoms will occur?
1) "Ear stuffiness"

I believe everyone has experienced this during the ascent of an airplane. During the ascent of the plane, the external air pressure is lower than the internal pressure in the middle ear, and you may feel ear fullness and ear swelling. At this time, if the Eustachian tube is opened in time to adjust the pressure in the middle ear, the ear fullness will be relieved. If the ear fullness worsens, tinnitus or even hearing loss may occur.

2) "Earache"
Earache often occurs during the descent of the plane. This is because the external pressure suddenly increases when the plane descends. Stimulating the pain-related nerves in the ear can cause earache. Especially when the external pressure is greater than the internal pressure in the middle ear to a certain extent (the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the middle ear reaches 8kPa), tinnitus, hearing loss, or even tympanic membrane rupture may occur, further aggravating the pain.
3) "Dizziness and nausea".

When the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the middle ear reaches a certain level and puts a burden on the labyrinth of the inner ear, symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, tinnitus, and hearing loss will occur.

How to effectively improve the problem of earache caused by flying?
1. When traveling on a larger aircraft, the cabin air pressure is higher than that of a regional aircraft. The only thing you can control is doing the things that cause your Eustachian tubes to open. For example, swallowing saliva, eating, drinking, yawning, etc. Be careful not to drink alcohol, which can increase mucus and cause the Eustachian tube to swell, making the earache worse.
2. Find a doctor to prescribe a vasoconstrictor drug. Before landing, drop it into the nasal cavity to dilate the Eustachian tube and relieve discomfort.
3. The mostThe most effective way: Wearing airplane earplugs can automatically adjust the air pressure in the ears and enjoy a quiet flight. Please see product description.
4. For those with extremely severe cold and nasal congestion, it is recommended not to fly. While wearing airplane earplugs can reduce pain, they can't be completely avoided.

5. When some minor accidents occur on the aircraft, such as a problem with the pressurization equipment in the cabin (or the glass window breaks and leaks pressure), the air pressure suddenly drops. Traditional methods are ineffective and the only option is to wear the aircraft. earplugs.