Do one-month-old babies have hearing?

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  • Views:767
  • Source:Tiny Hearing Aids
Problems with baby's hearing development The vast majority of children have good hearing, but there are a few children who have hearing problems, especially if they are born too early or have a lack of oxygen at birth or have severe infection problems.

Does a one-month-old baby have hearing?

Yes, the baby’s hearing will be screened within 48 hours after birth, and then rechecked after one month. One month later, I took the baby to the city hospital for re-screening, but it still failed. It was recommended to have another check-up in three months. If you fail to pass three screenings, you should take it seriously and do other more professional hearing tests, such as: ABR\ASSR\temporal bone CT, etc., to find out the cause and early diagnosis and treatment

< br /> Generally, babies who are one month old already have hearing. Most babies are very sensitive to the sound of adults talking and react within 24 hours after birth. The adult speaks softly next to the baby and observes whether the baby reacts differently to changes in the sound. After a week, his hearing is fully developed and he will pay close attention to human voices and become sensitive to noise. Talk to your baby, who will turn his or her head toward familiar sounds and words. 2 months: Very sensitive to sounds, and will respond differently to familiar or unfamiliar sounds. Adults can talk softly to the baby, or play some soft music and make sounds in different directions of the baby, and the baby will turn his head toward the sound source.

How do normal babies respond to sounds in each month?

One month later, I reacted to sudden sounds. At this time, the baby is just born and will not react particularly strongly. Generally, when he is awake, he will suddenly reach out and wake up to a sudden loud sound.

For two months, I can detect loud sounds while sleeping. When sleeping, I will shake my hands, wake up, and blink at the sudden sound of the door closing.
Three months later, I have emotions about sounds. I will look for the sounds I am interested in, but I will not turn around to look for them.
Follow the surrounding environment for four months. Be interested in mother's voice and sudden and unexpected sounds.
At five months old, I will be afraid of sudden scoldings and cry. I can turn my head when I hear the sound of the alarm clock, and I can distinguish my mother's voice from other people's voices.
For six months, he will stare at the speaker's face, be sensitive to the sound of the TV, and will turn his head when his name is called.
Start paying attention to outdoor sounds at seven months. If you talk to your baby, he will make noises, and if you make angry noises to him, he will be frightened.
Eight-month-old babies can imitate and have their own emotions. He will laugh happily when other sounds appear, and cry when his mother scolds him.
Nine months interested in all sounds. He will respond to simple sounds such as saying goodbye, dance when he hears a song, look for the source of the sound, and know the strength of the sound.

TenWhen Yue calls her nickname, she will turn around and imitate the words.

In eleven and two months, he can point out the direction, point out the facial features, and be curious about outdoor sounds.